Fees for Vaults ( Farming Vaults & Structured Products)
The fees charged by the farming vaults are to be determined on an individual basis and published on a separate vault page (for example Optimism vault's Fee Structure)
The estimated ranges are the following:
Management fee: 0-2%
Performance fee: 0-20%
Entry fee: 0-1%
Exit fee: 0-1%
Fees for Zaps ( One-Click Zaps)
One Click Crypto will charge a "convenience fee" for each zap transaction. The fee will vary depending on the number of 1CC tokens held by the transacted user.
Default Zap fee: 0.01-0.85%
Rebalancing fee: 0.01-0.85%
The fees are charged as a % of transaction volume.
The fees are exclusive of gas fees, slippage, or additional costs charged by 3rd party protocols.
Last updated